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Cheats buildin handler


Author 2called-chaos
Source vendor/handlers/_buildin/cheats.rb
Commands !l0 !l30 !l1337 !give !balls !portal !endportal !boat !minecart !pick !upick !shovel !ushovel !axe !uaxe !speedegg !slapbread !slaystick !lootbrick
Description This handler contains various commands which are considered cheats although the rest isn't really better.

Clear levels

Usage:!l0 [target]
Action:Removes all levels from you or target.
Default ACL:guest (self) / mod (others)

Level 30

Usage:!l30 [target]
Action:Adds 30 levels to your or targets experience.
Default ACL:mod

Level 1337

Usage:!l1337 [target]
Action:Sets your or targets experience level to 1337.
Default ACL:mod

Give shortcut

Usage:!give [*args]
Action:Shortcut for the /give command with one exception: If you just pass one argument (item name) it will give you one of it.
Default ACL:admin

Ender pearls

Usage:!balls [target]
Action:Gives you or target a stack (16) of ender pearls.
Default ACL:mod

Nether Portal

Usage:!portal [target]
Action:/setblock's the block at your or targets feet to a piece of nether portal. Allows teleportation from Overworld <=> Nether
Note:The portal won't dissappear and may create structures (proper portal) in the respective contrary dimension upon teleportation.
Default ACL:mod

End Portal

Usage:!endportal [target]
Action:/setblock's the block at your or targets feet to a piece of end portal. Allows teleportation from Overworld <=> End
Note:The portal won't dissappear and triggers the reset of the obsidian platform in the end.
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!boat [target]
Action:Summons a boat right above your or targets head
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!minecart [target]
Action:Summons a minecart right above your or targets head
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!pick [target]
Action:Gives you or target a normal diamond pickaxe
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!upick [target]
Action:Gives you or target an ultra efficient pickaxe
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!shovel [target]
Action:Gives you or target a normal diamond shovel
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!ushovel [target]
Action:Gives you or target an ultra efficient shovel
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!axe [target]
Action:Gives you or target a normal diamond axe
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!uaxe [target]
Action:Gives you or target an ultra efficient axe
Default ACL:mod

Speed egg

Usage:!speedegg [boost=3] [target]
Action:Gives you or target an egg which lets you run faster if you hold it.
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!slapbread [target]
Action:Gives you or target a slapbread made in france (ultra knockback).
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!slaystick [target]
Action:Gives you or target a slaystick (ultra efficient weapon).
Default ACL:mod


Usage:!lootbrick [target]
Action:Gives you or target a lootbrick (ultra loot).
Default ACL:mod