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World Edit light buildin handler

No undo!

The biggest difference to the normal WorldEdit might be this:

There is no undo! Whatever you do, a placed block is placed!

Always make backups on a regular basis, think twice, look trice, be careful with danger mode!


Author 2called-chaos
Source vendor/handlers/_buildin/world_edit_light.rb
Commands !!sel !!isel !!set !!outline !!hollow !!fill !!replace !!insert !!stack !!move !!pos !!pos !!pos1 !!pos2 !!spos !!spos1 !!spos2 !!ipos !!ipos1 !!ipos2 !!facing
Description This handlers tries to barely imitate WorldEdit's by providing selections and stacking for the most part.
  • Most of the commands (such as !!set or !!fill) circumvent the 32k block limit. So be careful!
  • Commands cannot modify unloaded chunks while the (theoretical) selection can and will move into these areas. Be aware of that especially when stacking selections.

Working with selections

Shows or clears current selection

Usage:!!sel [clear]
Action:Shows your current selection (or clears if parameter given)
Default ACL:builder

Set pos1/2 / selection

Usage: !!pos [<x1> <y1> <z1> [<x2> <y2> <z2>]]
!!pos1 [<x> <y> <z>]
!!pos2 [<x> <y> <z>]
Action:Shows or sets the given position point (or both)
Note:You can use relative coordinates but make sure to wait until MCL recognized the position!
Default ACL:builder

Shift pos1/2 / selection

Usage: !!spos <<x> <y> <z>>
!!spos1 <<x> <y> <z>>
!!spos2 <<x> <y> <z>>
Action:Shifts given position point (or both) by given amount.
Default ACL:builder

Indicate selection

Usage:!!isel [indicator] [mode]
Action: Indicates the dimensions of the build. Default indicator is explosion but there are more to choose from. Mode might be one of the following (by default corners)
c / corners
Indicates all corner coordinates.
m / minmax
Indicates min (insertion) and max coordinate.
o / outline
Indicate all outlining coordinates (skeleton). Not yet implemented!
Default ACL:builder

Indicate position

Usage: !!ipos [indicator]
!!ipos1 [indicator]
!!ipos2 [indicator]
Action:Indicates the given position (or both equaling !!isel) the build. Default indicator is explosion but there are more to choose from.
Default ACL:builder

Altering selection contents

Set blocks (using /fill replace)

Usage: !!set <block> [damage_value] [args...]
Action:Sets the selection to given block (and optional damage_value). Additional arguments can be passed but you might use !!replace instead. The command will be assembled like this: /fill $p1 $p2 $block $damage_value replace $args
Note:This command bypasses the 32k block limit, be careful!
Default ACL:builder

Set selection (using /fill outline)

Usage: !!outline <block> [damage_value] [dataTag]
Action:Outlines the selection with given block (and optional damage_value and dataTag). The command will be assembled like this: /fill $p1 $p2 $block $damage_value outline $dataTag
Default ACL:builder

Fill selection (using /fill keep)

Usage: !!fill <block> [damage_value] [dataTag]
Action:Fills the selection with given block (and optional damage_value and dataTag). The command will be assembled like this: /fill $p1 $p2 $block $damage_value keep $dataTag
Default ACL:builder

Hollow selection (using /fill hollow)

Usage: !!hollow <block> [damage_value] [dataTag]
Action:Hollows the selection with given block (and optional damage_value and dataTag). The command will be assembled like this: /fill $p1 $p2 $block $damage_value hollow $dataTag
Default ACL:builder

Replace blocks in selection (using /fill replace)

Usage: !!replace <old_block> [old_damage_value] > <new_block> [new_damage_value]
Action:Replaces old_block (with optional old_damage_value) with new_block (and optional new_damage_value). The command will be assembled like this: /fill $p1 $p2 $new_block $new_damage_value replace $old_block $old_damage_value
Default ACL:builder

Insert selection (using /clone)

Usage: !!insert [-f] <x> <y> <z> [mode] [tilename]
Action:Inserts current selection at given position, mode can be any of filtered masked or replace (default) and tilename is used for filtered mode. The command will be assembled like this: /clone $p1 $p2 $xyz $mode normal $tilename. If you pass -f normal will be substituted with force.
Note:You can use relative coordinates but make sure to wait until MCL recognized the position!
Default ACL:builder

Stacking selection (using /clone)

Usage: !!stack <direction> [amount=1] [shift_selection=false] [masked/filtered <tilename>]
Action:Stacks the current selection amount times in the given direction. If shift_selection is true, your selection will move as well (instead of staying where it was).

The direction can be one of n w s e u d f b l r or north west south east up down forward backward left right respectively.
Default ACL:builder

Moving selection by its volume

Usage: !!move <direction> [amount=1]
Action:Moves the current selection amount times in the given direction. It's basically !!stack with shift_selection but without actually cloning anything.
Default ACL:builder

(debug) Show (relative) facing

Usage: !!facing
Action:Will give you some information about what MCL thinks is your current facing and relative facings (left, right, forward, etc)
Default ACL:builder