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Horsecars extra handler


Author 2called-chaos
Source vendor/handlers/_extras/__horsecars.rb
Commands !car
Description spawn and manage "tuned" horses
  • This handler is disabled by default!


Action:Shows you a summary of available commands.
Default ACL:guest

spawning a new car

Usage:!car spawn [speed=4 [jump=5] [name]]
Action:Spawn a new horsecar with given optional speed, jumpboost and name
Default ACL:guest

kill loaded cars

Usage:!car kill [radius|all]
Action:Kill all loaded horsecars in given radius (or all)
Default ACL:guest

change speed of cars

Usage:!car speed <speed> [radius|all]
Action:Changes speed of horsecars in radius (or all) to given value
Default ACL:guest

change jumpboost of cars

Usage:!car jump <jump> [radius|all]
Action:Changes jump boost of horsecars in radius (or all) to given value
Default ACL:guest

change name of car

Usage:!car name <newname> [-a]
Action:Changes name of the closest horse to you (up to 2 blocks away) to given name.
Default ACL:guest
Always show the name (CustomNameVisible)

summon existing car

Usage:!car summon
Action:Teleport (nearest) horsecar to you (including already occupied ones, be careful)
Default ACL:guest