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World Pregenerator extra handler


Author 2called-chaos
Source vendor/handlers/_extras/__world_pregenerator.rb
Commands !pregen
Description Pregenerate a map by getting teleported around
  • This handler is disabled by default!

Command overview

Action:Gives you an overview about the available commands.
Default ACL:admin

Setup pregenerator

Usage:!pregen start [autostop_at_radius] [-z]
Action:Sets up the settings for the pregeneration process, does not actually start yet.
Note:Radius refers to the teleportation grid, not blocks! One radius is ~100 blocks
Default ACL:admin
start at 0/0 instead of your current position

Start pregeneration

Usage:!pregen doit [radius_offset]
Action:Start the pregeneration process (you can do this by clicking start in chat).
When providing a radius_offset we will start at that radius (e.g. resuming a failed or canceled pregeneration task)
Note:Radius refers to the teleportation grid, not blocks! One radius is ~100 blocks
Default ACL:admin

Change teleportation delay

Usage:!pregen delay [seconds]
Action: Shows current or updates teleportation delay. Default is 10 seconds.
You can change this value depending on your hardware.
Note:This command can be used before or while pregenerating
Default ACL:admin

Stop or change stop radius

Usage:!pregen stop [at_radius]
Action:Stops pregeneration. If you provide a radius it will stop when reaching that radius.
Note:Radius refers to the teleportation grid, not blocks! One radius is ~100 blocks
Default ACL:admin